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About Us

In March of 2021, I was invited to chair the North Cortlandt Residents Vision Committee – a working group of residents in conjunction with members of Cortlandt’s Town Council, Planning and Zoning Staff.  We were chartered to take stock of the current state of this section of Town and articulate a future vision for North Cortlandt consistent with the goals of Cortlandt’s master plan.


Part of this effort included a study of the history of the area and it was then that I first discovered the story behind the Peekskill Riots and more importantly, learned about this Paul Robeson's momentous legacy, both as an artist and a relentless advocate for social justice.


Considered a dark chapter and an emotionally charged subject, in the aftermath of the 1949 Peekskill Riots many locals chose to avoid talking about it. With decades of silence, this history had been all but lost to many who live here today.


Peekskill today is a vibrant and diverse community where people from many cultural backgrounds live and work together. The Robeson in Peekskill project is a grassroots initiative led by dedicated volunteers from Peekskill and its surrounding communities. As proud members of this community, we believe it is time to commemorate the Peekskill Riots, not only as a significant chapter in Peekskill’s history but also as a reminder that freedom of expression is a fundamental right of every American citizen.


Our project serves as both a testament to this right and evidence of Peekskill's transformation from a town marked by violent intolerance of Paul Robeson’s political views to one where citizens – left, right, and center – can respectfully and peacefully agree to disagree.

While acknowledging that progress does not mean there is no room for further improvement, we are proud to be part of this community and grateful for the enthusiastic support our project has generated in Peekskill and its surrounding areas.


Wendy Talio

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Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire new generations of changemakers and amplify the efforts of those doing the work today to challenge injustice and champion equality in the spirit of Paul Robeson.

Our Vision

The Robeson in Peekskill project will create a shared common knowledge throughout our community of a story that for many has been a missing link in our historical chain that made this corner of the county what it is today. Discovering this history together will be a catalyst for dialogue to shape our next chapter. Our progress will be accelerated and inspired by Paul Robeson's unwavering commitment to freeing the oppressed despite whatever adversity came his way.


Whether you are a 5th generation resident or a new transplant from NYC, strengthening our connections to this place and to each other will add wind in the sails of our continued efforts to undo the impact of decades of social and environmental injustices.


A permanent, visible, and accessible memorial will be a destination for residents and visitors alike; a place to experience the history, a place to inspire generations to come. This public exhibit will demonstrate the resilience of our community and encourage others to stay on a just path wherever they are.

Our Goals


Raise awareness of Paul Robeson on the 75th anniversary of the Peekskill Riots.


Secure funding to establish the Robeson in Peekskill scholar’s fund to be used for educational outreach, annual events, and financial assistance for artists and arts organizations promoting social justice.


Implement a permanent, visible, and accessible memorial to commemorate the Peekskill Riots and those who stood in solidarity with Paul Robeson.

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Our Team

Organizing committee

Wendy Talio (Chair), Founder Living Artist Society

Jelle Simons, Author, Journalist, Historian

Natasha Cherny, President of Cherny Concert & Artist Management Ltd.

Sarah Underhill, Environmentalist, Clearwater Board member

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